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  • Before starting the 12 steps to share, I felt very bad, as a person, partner, etc ... I could not find myself. Nor can I say that I have already found myself, because the road is long but with a good attitude and effort everything can be achieved, but above all what we need most, from my point of view, is support and dedication from others, and for me it has been a Very positive experience and it has filled me more than I expected. And above all I want to thank Nikki and Susana, because they have helped me a lot to continue on the right path and not sink; You are spectacular people, full of life and I don't know what else to write, just thank you for everything, you are the best.

  • It has awakened the desire to express something instead of with words, through image.

  • The art therapies have helped me in my relationship with others and to feel better about myself. It has improved my way of being and my patience.

  • "I have seen Nikki every week for the last year or so. She has helped me rediscover my identity after years of living on the sidelines. Her ability to listen deeply and connect the dots between my patterns and behaviors has had a profound impact on me. effect on my daily life. I am now able to more easily manifest my reality, instead of letting life happen to me. I have less fear and more control. It's a continuous journey and sometimes I slip. But Nikki is always there. there to help me recover. Our therapy sessions are now an integral part of my life."  -M

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